Week 17a – The Hero’s Journey

It truly takes a hero to
walk in your own shoes. To meet your self at the crossroads of change and take the road less traveled takes courage, strength, and persistence. What I’m experiencing is that the old me, the one comfortable with status quo, is not going down without a fight. Procrastination, feelings of inadequacy, and my messy desk are staring at me as I write this blog. I just have to sigh and remind myself that I promised to move forward regardless of procrastination, feelings of inadequacy, and my unruly desk. I understand in theory how to overcome these forces. Get the BIG ROCKS done first! I even understand from experience as I’ve overcome these obstacles before. It seems that they are as persistent about sticking around as I am persistent about getting rid of them. So the battle goes.


In the fight for my right to an abundant life of living my dreams I have built an arsenal of tools:

  • Knowledge about how peptides work and how to make new neuro pathways that support me in my dreams.
  • Give more of what you want, get more of what you need
  • Service = Love = Growth
  • Seven Laws of the Mind
  • I am Nature’s Greatest Miracle
  • Focus in the SIT (Still In Thought)
  • Letting go of what I don’t want in order to have what I want
  • Master mind group that supports me in my quest
  • Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude – shout it from the roof tops!

And so many more insights during the MKMMA experience. This week we talked about the story of Jonah and the Whale. Jonah was a reluctant hero. He refused the call, and what did God do? He sent a Whale to swallow Jonah up so they could have a heart to heart chat. Jonah came out of that whale and went after his calling. His refusal at first is not unlike what each of us experience as we are called to live our dharma. We hide, run away, slink back into the comfort of the known. Yes, I’m guilty. It takes work, effort, and stepping outside of the known (aka trusting) to get after our dreams.

So I’m having a heart to heart with God. I’m letting go of the banana in the jar aka:

  • Not being true to my word
  • Looking for excuses
  • Judgement
  • Giving up

As I proceed forward on my Hero’s Journey…Do it. Do it now.

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